At Bufete Otegui, Allende & Asociados, we have been providing complete and personal coverage in the field of tax advice since 1995, both to companies and individuals.
Remember that at Bufete Otegui, Allende & Asociados we collaborate with Vaedro Asesores in Madrid, where we can also meet your requirements and needs.
Jaime Otegui
Founder and Honorary President Despite being retired, he lends his experience and support as of Counsel. English and French languages.
Luis Allende
Graduate in Law, Specialized in Legal-Economics and Master in Tax Consulting from ICADE. Specialist in Tax, Corporate and Accounting Bilbao office. English and French languages.
Juan Otegui
Graduate in LawMaster in Tax Advice from Deusto specialist in Tax, Corporate and Accounting Office of San Sebastián. English and French languages.
María Eugenia Guinea
Degree in Economics and Business AdministrationMaster in Tax Consulting from Deusto. Specialist in Fiscal, Financial and Accounting Bilbao Office. English and French languages.
José Ramón Alberdi
Graduate in Law and MediatorMaster in Legal Advice to companies from the UPV. Mediator registered with the Ministry of Justice. Specialist in Corporate & Compliance, Labor and Civil-Commercial. English and French languages.
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